Brioche Style Pull Apart Bread


featuring our Perfectly Crafted Brioche Style Bread

Servings: 8



  • One loaf Nature’s Own Perfectly Crafted Brioche Style Bread

  • One and a half sticks unsalted butter

  • 1/2 cup brown sugar

  • 1 package of bacon, chopped and cooked crispy

  • One cup white granulated sugar

  • Two tablespoons of cinnamon

  • 1/3 cup maple syrup

  • Jar of store-bought caramel sauce

  • Cooking spray



  1. Chop Bacon and cook until crispy. Drain from grease. And let cool.

  2. Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit

  3. Place the bread on a 24x12 inch piece of aluminum foil, taking care to keep the loaf shape. Fold the foil halfway up around the sides of the bread.

  4. With a sharp bread knife, cut the bread lengthwise in half, cutting halfway down through the bread slices.

  5. Combine white sugar and cinnamon in a bowl. Mix to combine.

  6. Melt one and a half sticks of butter. Pour butter slowly over pieces of bread to “wet” the bread.

  7. Once the bread is wet, pour the cinnamon and sugar mixture over the top; working the ingredients in between slices. Sprinkle the bacon pieces evenly as you work ingredients into the bread slices.

  8. Warm 1/3 cup of maple syrup and combine with brown sugar and leftover butter in the mixing bowl the bread was in. Mix the maple syrup and brown sugar with the butter until smooth.

  9. Pour the maple, brown sugar butter over the top of the bread loaf.

  10. Place the foil-lined bread on a rimmed baking sheet. Gently cover with additional foil and bake for 30 minutes until slightly toasty on top.

  11. Allow to cool for 10-20 minutes, then unwrap fill. Drizzle the top with warmed caramel sauce and serve!

Alternative Preparation:

  1. Cut Brioche Style loaf into small 1-2 inch pieces.

  2. Put pieces of bread in a large mixing bowl

  3. In a large resealable plastic bag, combine white sugar and cinnamon. Close bag and shake until combined.

  4. Melt one and a half sticks of butter. Pour butter slowly over pieces of bread to “wet” the bread.

  5. Once the bread is wet, place all pieces into the resealable plastic bag with the cinnamon and sugar. Shake again until all the bread is covered.

  6. Warm 1/3 cup of maple syrup, and combine with brown sugar and leftover butter in the mixing bowl the bread was in. Mix the maple syrup and brown sugar with the butter until smooth.

  7. Take the coated bread pieces and the bacon pieces and begin to fill your baking pan. You want to sprinkle the bacon pieces somewhat evenly as you layer the bread.

  8. Pour the maple, brown sugar butter over the top of the cake pan so it makes itself down through the layers.

  9. Place pan in a preheated 375-degree oven for 30 minutes and slightly toasty on top.

  10. Allow to cool for 10-20 minutes. And then invert on a plate. Drizzle the top with some warmed caramel sauce and serve!!!